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          Current position:Home > News > News Trends > Details

          Winter tilt bed CNC machine tool how to maintain? The key point is here!
          Update Time: 2024-03-21Number of Views:

          With the advent of cold winter, the maintenance of inclined bed CNC machine tools has become particularly important. Reasonable maintenance can ensure the long-term stable operation of the machine tool and extend the service life of the equipment. Below, we will introduce the key maintenance points of winter CNC machine tools to help you maintain the ideal condition of your equipment.

          1, temperature control: winter temperature is low, the machine inside and outside the temperature difference is large. In order to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool, the temperature sensor and heat exchange equipment should be checked regularly to ensure the accuracy and stability of the temperature control system. At the same time, pay attention to the ambient temperature around the machine tool to avoid the impact of low temperature on the machine tool.

          2, lubrication maintenance: in the cold winter, the lubrication system is crucial to the normal operation of the machine tool. First of all, clean the lubricating oil tank and lubricating pipes, remove water and impurities, and ensure the purity of the lubricating oil. Secondly, check the working status of the lubrication system to ensure that the supply of lubricating oil is sufficient to prevent poor or excessive lubrication. In addition, pay attention to the selection of lubricating oil and use lubricating oil suitable for low temperature environment to ensure the normal lubrication of the machine tool at low temperature.

          Winter maintenance machine for CNC machine tools with inclined bed

          3, sealing protection: the dry climate in winter is easy to lead to the aging and rupture of some seals of the machine tool. Therefore, the sealing device of the machine tool should be regularly checked, such as the sealing ring, the sealing gasket, etc., to ensure that it is intact. For the seals with air leakage or oil leakage, replace or repair them in time to prevent cold air from invading the inside of the machine tool and affecting the operation stability of the machine tool.

          4, cleaning and maintenance: winter is easy to accumulate dust and moisture, affecting the normal use of machine tools. Therefore, the inclined bed CNC machine tool should be cleaned and maintained regularly. First of all, clean the dust and debris on the surface and inside of the machine tool, you can use professional cleaners and tools to clean. Secondly, pay attention to the environmental hygiene around the machine tool, keep the machine tool clean and dry, and avoid the erosion of moisture and dust on the machine tool.

          5, check the electrical system: cold weather in winter may have a certain impact on the electrical system of the machine tool. Therefore, the working status of the electrical system should be checked regularly, including cables, terminals, power switches, etc. Ensure good electrical connections to prevent electrical failures and short circuits. In addition, you can consider increasing the insulation measures of electrical equipment to reduce the impact of low temperature on electrical components.

          To sum up, the maintenance of tilted bed CNC machine tools in winter is crucial. Through reasonable temperature control, lubrication maintenance, seal protection, cleaning maintenance and electrical system inspection, you can ensure the normal operation of the machine tool in the cold winter and extend the service life of the equipment. I hope the above key points can help you effectively carry out winter maintenance and maintain the stability and reliability of the machine tool.
